Connect your team with continuous feedback

Snapshot Reviews records the daily events that create great software and connects them to creating great careers, from standups to annual reviews.

Continuous feedback helps you build careers as your team builds the products your customers love. Snapshot Reviews makes engineering career development a part of daily product development.

Build the sprint retrospective your team needs

Sprint retrospectives are the secret behind every successful development team, and Snapshot Reviews is here to make them even more powerful!

These regular team reflections with custom-built questions offer a unique opportunity for your team to reflect, learn, and improve. By celebrating achievements and pinpointing areas for growth, you'll boost morale and productivity. 
Snapshot Reviews integrates with GitHub and Jira, taking the hassle out of retrospectives.

Help your team to streamline their process, drive innovation, and keep the momentum going, all while being driven by reliable data!

Connect Jira sprint epics to company wide SMART goals

Linking individual team’s Jira sprint epics to company-wide SMART goals is the game-changing move your development team needs! By aligning your teams day-to-day work with broader organizational objectives, you will supercharge productivity and ensure every effort counts. 

With Snapshot Reviews, this connection becomes a breeze, fostering clear communication, transparency, and a shared sense of purpose throughout the whole organization.

Empower managers to connect their team's work to company-wide objectives allowing for a simpler tracking progress, optimized resource allocation, and ultimately achieving those SMART goals faster.

Deliver meaningful custom 360° Reviews

Build fully customisable 360° Reviews that are easy to set up, maintain and complete.
Snapshot Reviews’  360° degree reviews provide a comprehensive and multi-perspective assessment, fostering holistic growth and targeted development for individuals and teams.

By linking your teams SMART goals to the review process your team can remove bias and make data driven decisions. Snapshot Reviews can help you to identify opportunities for growth and reward your star contributors.

Streamline and consolidate your review process with Snapshot Reviews!

Save time with automated cycles

Create custom reusable review templates and schedules, capable of recurring independently. Snapshot Reviews sends out invitations, notifications, and reminders to guarantee that all team members fulfil their review responsibilities promptly and efficiently.

Ready to get started?

Manage, accelerate and drive your development teams with Snapshot Reviews