Inviting users to your organization in Snapshot Reviews

There are 2 different ways to invite users to join your organization in Snapshot Reviews. Only Admin users can invite users to the platform.

  1. The quick invite button which can be found on the Home Dashboard module or on the admin Users module

  2. The import users function for mass user uploads which can be found on the admin Users module

The quick invite button

The quick invite button is located on both the Home Dashboard module and on the admin Users module . The button can only be accessed by admin level users.

To invite users simply fill in the required fields and use the “+” button to add multiple users at once.

Team member invite popup

The import users function

For large organizations that want to import 100s of users at once we recommend performing a mass user upload. The import users function can be found on the admin Users module

Simply upload a formatted XLS or XLSX file or use our template and your users will be imported into Snapshot Reviews.


Setting user types and permissions