Meet your new best friend: AI Assistant

Introducing Snapshot’s AI Assistant, an interactive tool that can tap into your code base, updates, tickets, review comments, peer feedback, and sprint retrospectives. It provides a comprehensive view of team performance, delivering deep insights and enhancing evaluation accuracy.

Screens showing AI feedback

Get unmatched visibility into team performance

By integrating data from multiple sources, the AI Assistant delivers a comprehensive 360º view of engineering performance with minimal effort. Eliminate the need to switch between platforms and processes; our AI Assistant provides context-aware insights across various aspects, streamlining your workflow.

Estimate tickets, identify blockers & much more

AI Assistant can make ticket estimations and performance comparisons, allowing users to ask about specific tickets, identify issues, set goals and receive feedback based on comprehensive data analysis - all through a user friendly interface.

It can also predict future outcomes and identifies potential bottlenecks, boosting productivity and efficiency.

Ready to get started?

Manage, accelerate and drive your development teams with Snapshot Reviews